Join us in the Ever-Loving Arms of Christ

Our Methodist Church Warmly Welcomes Believers in Montgomery County

Helping You Grow in Your

Faith with God and Christ

Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church offers a welcoming and supportive community for individuals seeking to grow their connection with God. Through a range of worship services, small groups, and outreach programs, the church provides opportunities for spiritual development, fellowship, and service to others. Get in touch with us today to learn more.


We Welcome You to Join Our

Supportive Church Family

Joining Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church's loving community offers a supportive and inclusive environment for individuals seeking to connect with others and deepen their faith. Through various activities and outreach initiatives, members can build meaningful relationships, serve their community, and grow together in their spiritual journeys. To stay updated on the latest events at our church, join our mailing list today.

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A Spiritual Pillar of the
Gaithersburg Community

Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church, founded in 1879, is located in the community of Gaithersburg, Maryland, Our church has been a significant religious and cultural institution in the community for over 140 years.

Today, Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church continues to be a vibrant and active congregation, offering different programs and services for members of all ages. The church has a strong focus on community outreach and social justice issues, and it is known for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. Whether through worship services, educational programs, or community events, Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church remains a vital part of the Gaithersburg community and a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who seek to make a positive difference in the world. To learn more, feel free to reach out to us today.



We welcome charitable donations, you can use to button below for instructions. Thank you!


Reach Out

Have a question about our church? Click below to contact us directly and we will assist you.


Join Us

We hope you will visit our church this Sunday and join us in worship. We look forward to meeting you!


Senior Pastor

Nick Works

Raised in a devout Christian home, Pastor Nick dedicated his life to Christ at age twelve. At sixteen, he felt God calling him to vocational ministry. Nick attended a small Baptist college in Arkansas and majored in Christian Ministry. During that time, Pastor Nick was ordained to the ministry while serving at Newark Baptist Church in Newark, Arkansas. Following college, he attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas, and served on staff at a local Baptist church. Later in life, Pastor Nick attended Wesley Theological Seminary where I earned both the Master of Divinity and the Doctor of Ministry degrees. 

Geographically, Pastor Nick’s ministry has spanned several states as the Works family moved to continue their education. The family moved to Maryland when Carla, Pastor Nick’s wife was offered a job as a professor in Washington DC. When Carla began working in Washington DC, Nick found a home for ministry at Wesley Theological Seminary and has continued to pilgrimage there. Pastor Nick has been blessed to work and study at Wesley since 2009. 

Along the way, God has provided places for Pastor Nick to serve in ministry. Nick has a passion for preaching. The goal of his preaching is to allow the risen Christ to walk among the people of God. There is a power at work in the stories of the biblical text. These stories bring power to our lives, and as a preacher, it is his hope that these ancient stories can shed light on our lives and illuminate our paths today. Our pilgrimage in faith is also strengthened as a congregation through a lively worship life. That is the value that is brought to our lives through regular worship. It is always Pastor Nick’s hope to craft lively and meaningful worship services which impact congregants’ daily lives. The hope is that when you sing a hymn or read a prayer or hear a good sermon on Sunday morning, that shapes who you are on Thursday morning.

Carla, Pastor Nick’s wife, and he has been happily married for twenty-five years. Their son, Jonathan is 21 years old and is in US Army Reserves. He is also a student at American University in Washington DC. Their daughter Kate is 12 years old. She is a sixth grader at Rocky Hill Middle School in Germantown MD. The Works family has a silly dog, named Amos in honor of their favorite Old Testament Prophet. When Pastor Nick is not working at Wesley Seminary or serving as a pastor of a congregation, he is almost always with one or more of these wonderful family members. Nick and his family love to travel and enjoy learning something new every day. They enjoy hiking at Sugarloaf Mountain or Gambrill State Park, or even in the woods behind their family home in Gaithersburg. Since Pastor Nick was born and raised in Arkansas, He will forever cheer on the Arkansas Razorbacks in football, basketball, baseball, or any sport where the world’s greatest pig competes.



Abby Butler-Cefalo

Abby has lived all over the country; from being born in the midwest to having formational life experiences on both the east and west coast, she now calls Washington, DC home. While not being raised in a particularly religious household, Abby can remember her first call to ministry being in elementary school after meeting nuns at career day and wanting to be "just like them!" As she entered her early teenage years, she asked her parents to take her to church, much to their surprise. Here is where she found her second call to ministry: this tiny church at the beach with mostly retired folks.

Abby went to college in Fairfax, VA with the intention of going into government, but after one government class she swiftly realized that was not her calling and she dropped the major. She was deeply involved in her church community in college, where she served on the board, led small groups, and routinely preached for the group. Once she graduated, she decided it was time to stop ignoring her call to ministry and began working for a small, rural church in Harrisonburg, VA. There, she ran the campus ministry arm of the church and was foundational in forming intergenerational relationships between the congregants and college-aged students. After three years in the mountains, Abby has found herself in Washington, DC working towards her Masters of Divinity at Wesley Theological Seminary.

Outside of ministry, Abby also works as a caretaker for a child with special needs. She has a heart for this community, and has been working with children with special needs for five years. Abby is engaged to her high school sweetheart, James. They have two cats together, Nutmeg and Saffron, and love the life they are building together. You can find the two of them hiking, playing tennis, watching movies, or experimenting with new recipes in the kitchen!


Learn More About Our

Church's Vision & Mission

Our vision is to assist the members of our community in developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. To achieve this, our mission is to serve God as Christ's followers by enhancing our worship service, providing safe and enjoyable activities for families, improving Sunday School and music programs for children and youth, and increasing communication with the community through various channels like our website, brochures, newsletters, and community events. Through these efforts, we hope to create a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone can grow in their faith and deepen their relationship with God.


Offering Ongoing Events for the

Whole Family to Enjoy

As a vibrant and active congregation, Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church hosts different weekly events for members of all ages. From worship services to educational programs and community events, there is always something going on at the church to bring people together and strengthen their faith.


We Accept Online Donations

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."

2 Corinthians 9:6-8

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church so popular?

    When attending a worship service at Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church, you can expect to be welcomed with open arms by a friendly and inclusive community of believers. The service will include traditional elements of worship, such as hymns, prayers, and scripture readings, as well as a sermon that draws on the wisdom of the Bible to address contemporary challenges and opportunities. You will also have the opportunity to participate in various ministries and outreach programs that seek to serve and support the local community, including mission trips, food drives, and community events. Additionally, the church offers a range of programs and activities for people of all ages and backgrounds, from Bible studies and prayer groups to youth programs and social gatherings. Overall, attending a service at Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church is a chance to deepen your spiritual life, connect with others, and make a positive impact on the world around you.

  • What's your Vision and Mission?

    Our Vision: To help members of our community find a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Our Mission: As Christ’s followers in this world, we serve God through:

    Celebrating God’s gifts by enhancing our worship service.

    Reaching out to our children and young people by providing safe and fun activities for families, enhancing our Sunday School, and incorporating children and youth in music programs for worship.

    Establishing good communication with our community through our website, brochures, newsletters, presence at community events, and increased use of signage for special events.

  • What programs do you currently offer?

    We meet for worship each Sunday at 11 am. Whether new or returning to the church, we welcome everyone to our worship services.

    Holy Communion is on the first Sunday of every month, with additional Seasonal Communions throughout the year. All are welcome to participate.

    Our United Methodist Women (UMW) group is active in several programs throughout the year.

    We have family-oriented events throughout the year, check our calendar of events for details.

    We also offer Confirmation Classes for young people and baptisms.

  • How can I donate to Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church

    Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church provides many different channels to support our community. You can donate by sending us an email at, or call us at 570-301-401-8105 for more information on other ways to give!

  • How should I get in contact with the church?

    We look forward to seeing you at Mt. Tabor United Methodist Church! There are multiple ways to get in touch with us. You can email us at, call us at 301-401-8105, or use the contact us form on our website.

  • Is there any other way we can support Mt. Tabor UMC?

    Feel free to also support our community on ongoing series and other charitable causes through:

    Amazon – If you love Amazon (and who doesn’t!) Mt. Tabor now has an affiliate account. If you click this link to get to Amazon, we get at least 4% off each purchase.

    IGive – Shop over 700 online shops such as, Gardeners Supply, Barnes & Noble, JC Penney,, and many more online stores, and return money to Mount Tabor at no cost to you!

    Go to IGIVE.COM and pick “Mount Tabor UMC of Etchison, MD” as your charity. Register with IGive and then start shopping! You can even track how much money you’ve earned for Mount Tabor.


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